- AHA: Automated Hardware Abstraction in Operating-System Engineering (DFG: LO 1719/4-1)
- Goal of AHA is to improve nonfunctional properties of system software by a very deep, but fully automated specialization of the application-hardware bridge represented by the operating system. We investigate, how alternative implementations that are mapped more directly to hardware features, can be generated from a concrete application and their actual interactions with the operating system.
Applied static analysis and specialization of cross-core syscalls for multi-core AUTOSAR OS -
Real-Time SystemsSpringer2024.
PDF 10.1007/s11241-024-09429-1 [BibTex]
Generische und betriebssystemgewahre statische Analysen von Echtzeitapplikationen auf Ein- und Mehrkernsystemen zur Optimierung nichtfunktionaler Eigenschaften -
PHD thesisLeibniz Universität Hannover2024.
PDF Details [BibTex]
MultiSSE: Static Syscall Elision and Specialization for Event-Triggered Multi-Core RTOS -
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'23)2023.
PDF Details Slides [BibTex]
RTOS-Independent Interaction Analysis in ARA -
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT '22)2022.
PDF Slides [BibTex]
ARA: Static Initialization of Dynamically-Created System Objects -
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'21)2021.
PDF Details Video Teaser Video 10.1109/RTAS52030.2021.00039 [BibTex]
ARA: Automatic Instance-Level Analysis in Real-Time Systems -
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT '19)2019.
PDF [BibTex]
Best Paper Award
Levels of Specialization in Real-Time Operating Systems -
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT '18)2018Best Paper Award.
PDF [BibTex]
Generische Graphanalyse in LLVM: Bessere Fehlerprüfung zur Compilezeit mithilfe von Programm- und Kontrollflussgraphen -
Master ThesisTechnische Universität Braunschweig, Leibniz Universität Hannover2017.
PDF [BibTex]
Videosignaturen für die Detektion von Videoinhalten gleichen Ursprungs -
Bachelor ThesisLeibniz Universität Hannover2014.
PDF [BibTex]
Supervised Theses
Running Theses
Finished Theses
InterSloth: Globales Hardware-gesteuertes Scheduling in einem Multikern-Echtzeitbetriebssystem auf RISC-V
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Christian Dietrich
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Malte Bargholz (abgegeben: 09. Aug 2018)
Integration of a Priority-Obedient Interrupt Controller into the Rocket Softcore
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Christian Dietrich
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Matthias Wolf (abgegeben: 01. Nov 2018)
Automatic Real-Time System Analysis
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Benedikt Steinmeier (abgegeben: 06. Mar 2019)
Measuring Effects of Compiler Flags on Different Processor Architectures
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Florian Rommel
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Carlo Schmitt (abgegeben: 21. Mar 2019)
Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Aware Robot Based on ARM9 and OSEK/AUTOSAR
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Idealer Gebrauch von LLVM-Optimierungstechniken zur Verbesserung statischer Analyse von Echtzeitsystemen
Extend ARA - a tool for static (real-time) operating system analysis - to use as much already implemented LLVM analyses as possible
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Manuel Breiden (abgegeben: 19. Apr 2020)
MultiSSE: Full Static Emulation of a Multicore System at the example of AUTOSAR RTOS
Extend the System-State Enumeration, an real-time systems analysis technique, to support multiple cores and show the working with an implementation in ARA.
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Fredo Nowak (abgegeben: 24. Dec 2020)
Compile-Time Malloc: Static Analysis and Replacement of Formerly Dynamic Memory Allocations using LLVM and the ARA Framework.
Move all statically analyzable allocations into compile-time.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Christoph Möller
Design und Implementierung eines Zephyr-RTOS-Modells für ARA zur statischen Whole-System-Analyse
Extend ARA - a (real-time) operating system (RTOS) analyzer - for analysis of Zephyr, an RTOS guided by the Linux Foundation
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Kenny Albes (abgegeben: 28. Feb 2021)
Whole-Program Analysis of POSIX/Linux-Applications: Design and Implementation of an Operating-System Model
Extend ARA - a (real-time) operating system analyzer - for analysis of POSIX, which enables the analysis of Linux applications.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Jan Neugebauer (abgegeben: 29. Jul 2021)
Fixed-Point Analysis in SVF: Iterative Value Flow Graph Construction
Extent ARA's value analysis to pointers, conditions and loops.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Source-to-source Transformation with Clang: Traversing the AST to Uniquely Identify and Mark C++ Macros
Extend the C preprocessor with automatic function markers that are usable in ARA
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Meson Language Design: Construction and Automatic Checking of a Meson-Object Classification
Develop a classification for the Meson domain specific language and to tool to check for it
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Paul Aumann
Bringing Light into the Dark: Interactive Graph Visualization of Static Analyses for Real-Time Operating Systems
Extend the analyses steps of ARA with a multi step visualization
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Let ARA Fly Fast: Optimizing an LLVM-Based Whole-System Optimizer for Embedded Real-Time Systems via Systematic Profiling
Make ARA fast. How fast? Really fast with profiling and performance tuning.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Mindstorming with Erika: Porting an OSEK/AUTOSAR conform operating system to ARM9
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Tim-Marek Thomas
Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Jasper Lorenz (abgegeben: 09. Sep 2022)
Evaluation and Adaptation of an LLVM-Based Whole-System-Compiler for Optimizing Embedded RISC-V/ARM Systems
Evaluate ARA's FreeRTOS optimizations on IronOS and InfiniTime and test in on real hardware.
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Tobias Landsberg
Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Domenik Kuhn (abgegeben: 26. Sep 2022)
Design and Implementation of an OSEK-Conform Hard Real-Time Application Using LEGO Mindstorms EV3
- Typ
- Bachelorarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Björn Fiedler
Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Barbara Seidl (abgegeben: 18. Mar 2023)
Configurable Depth Analysis: Create a meta analysis to statically analyze a system in different depths
Orchestrate different existing static analysis techniques to analyze a real-time system in different depths and show the working with an implementation in ARA.
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Synthesis of Optimized AUTOSAR Embedded Systems: Automated System-Call Specialization and Lock Elision on Multicore Applications as a Whole-System Approach
Implement and evaluate an AUTOSAR synthesis with Lock Elision
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Andreas Kässens (abgegeben: 14. Jun 2023)
De-slacking MultiSSE: Improving Timing Analysis and Code Synthesis in ARA, an LLVM-Based Whole-System Compiler for Multi-Core Real-Time Systems
Reduce the slack to make the MultiSSE capable of analyzing large systems and manifest that time also in a synthezised image.
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Björn Fiedler
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Generic Metadata Transport of High-Level–Language Properties between LLVM-Compiler Front and Middle End for Static Analysis
Extract Token or AST information from Clang that are useful for static analysis and transfer it into the Middleend.
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
Controlling the Kite: Static Control-Flow System Analysis for Embedded Controllers with Zephyr RTOS in ARA
The ARA toolchain shall support the system-state enumeration for Zephyr-based embedded applications.
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Status
- abgeschlossen
- Supervisors
- Andreas Kässens
Gerion Entrup
Daniel Lohmann - Project
- Bearbeiter
- Vitali Fendel (abgegeben: 03. Dec 2024)