Finished Projects

AspectC++: An aspect-oriented extension to the C++ programming language
AspectC++ is a set of C++ language extensions and compiler support to facilitate aspect-oriented programming with C/C++.
CiAO: Aspect-oriented operating-system product lines (DFG SCHR 603/4)
RTOS kernels that provide configurability of even fundamental, architectural kernel policies, like synchronization or protection by means of aspect-aware software development.
ISEco: Internal Software Ecosystems (Siemens CT)
In software ecosystems, organizations open their platform to external businesses in order to leverage a variety of externally developed functionality. We investigated two large-scale software projects (about 500 and 950 developers) within Siemens that have become internal software ecosystems.
Organic Computing: SRA contributions to OC research
PLiC: Decomposition and Composition of Software Product Lines (Siemens CT)
Software Product Line Development has achieved multiple benefits within the last decades, as it facilitates systematic reuse of various assets throughout the software development lifecycle, but so far only in settings with a rather narrow scope. In the PliC project, we investigated a systematic approach for the decomposition and composition of software product lines.
SiHeB: System-software infrastructure for hegerogenous image systems (DFG GRK 1773)
To enhance the throughput of image processing applications, hardware coprocessors can help to offload computational tasks. The host CPU is responsible for the main scheduling of threads that start computations to be run on the coprocessor, which often uses a distinct instruction set architecture and manages its own local memory. Thus, such systems with coprocessors inherently form heterogeneous architectures.
Sloth: Minimal-effort kernels for embedded systems
The main research goal in the Sloth project is to investigate how to make better use of given hardware abstractions in (embedded) operating systems. Recent work on Sloth is part of the AHA project.
VAMOS: Variability Management in Operating Systems (DFG SCHR 603/7)
In the VAMOS project, we pioneered the issue of variability-induced issues in Linux and investigated methods and tools to mitigate the problem. Our findings have led to more than 100 accepted patches in the Linux mainline kernel.
dOSEK: A dependability-Oriented Static Embedded Kernel (DFG: LO 1719/1-3)
dOSEK is developed from scratch with dependability as the first-class design goal. Targeting safety-critical, embedded applications, the system provides an OSEK/AUTOSAR-conform interface. dOSEK is part of the danceOS project.
danceOS: dependability aspects in embedded Operating Systems (DFG: SPP 1500)
Future hardware designs for embedded systems are expected to exhibit an increasing rate of intermittent and permanent errors in exchange for smaller device sizes and lower energy consumption. The DanceOS project aims at providing dependability by the fine-grained and tailorable application of software-based fault-tolerance techniques.
iRTSS: invasive Runtime Support System (DFG: SFB/TRR 89, Project C1)
Operating-system support for massively parellel systems running self-aware applications under the paradigm of invasive computing.
RT.js: Practical Real-Time Scheduling for Web Applications